Understanding Globalization according to experts in the field. Understanding globalization will be a rather long discussion this time, because we will cite some opinions and things related to the notion of globalization.
Understanding globalization for us to know so that we can understand what exactly is happening in our daily life, including in terms of globalization or not, to understand the notion of globalization indeed, if we refer to the many opinions expressed sense that almost everything is almost the same Only different in language they convey just about the notion of globalization itself.
Before heading detailed understanding globalization we should know word for word from an understanding of globalization following:
the word "Globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal.
Understanding Globalization is the language according to the Global and SASI, Global is worldwide, and Sasi is a process, so when understanding globalization according to this ahasa in combining into "something that the global process". The word advent of globalization is actually a loan word from a foreign language is English "globalization".
Theodore Levitte: is the person who first used the term globalization in 1985.
Next we headed to the notion of globalization is based on the opinion of many experts who elaborated on the notion of globalization in their opinion each - each of the following:
Achmad Supaman states:
Globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being restricted by region Globalization yet have an established definition, except for a definition of work (working definition), so it depends on which side one looks.
According to the "January Aart Scholte" he saw that there are some definitions that are meant those with globalization:
Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in international relations. In this case each country retain their respective identities, but are becoming increasingly dependent on each other.
Liberalization: Globalization is also defined by increasingly diturunkankan borders between countries, such as import-export tariff barriers, traffic exchange, as well as migration.
Universalization: Globalization is also described as increasingly spreading material and immaterial things to the world. Experience in one locality can be an experience all over the world.
Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture so globalized.
Transplanetari relations and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is different from the fourth-fifth the above definition. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. In the fifth sense, global world has its own ontology status, not just countries combined.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia Indonesia: Understanding Globalization is a term used to describe the changes in society in the world economy generated by the rapidly increasing trade and cultural exchange. Dalarn economic sense, globalization refers mainly to the liberalization of free trade.
Understanding Globalization is the process of international integration that occurs due to the exchange of views the world, products, ideas, and other cultural aspects. This is related to the level Progress transport infrastructure and telecommunications, including the emergence of the telegraph and the Internet, is a major factor in globalization encourages interdependence (interdependence) economic and cultural activity.
Others say the notion of globalization is a phenomenon spread cultural values and certain throughout the world (thus becoming the world's cultural or world culture) has seen since a long time. The forerunner of the spread of the culture of this world can be traced from Western European explorers traveling to various places in the world _ Lucian W. Pye, 1966
Let's see what the experts think about the notion of globalization, the following:
Anthony Giddens (1989): Understanding Globalization is the process of increasing interdependence of the world community named by globalization. Characterized by a gap between the level of life of industrial society and third world people (who once colonized the West and the majority live from agriculture.
World Bank: Definition of Globalization is the freedom and ability of individuals and companies to initiate economic transactions with persons from other countries.
Emanuel Richter: Globalization is a global network simultaneously bringing together people who previously dispersed - scattered and isolated into interdependence and unity of the world.
Thomas L. Friedman: Globalization has dimensions idiology and technology. Dimensional technology that capitalism and the free market, while the dimensions of information technology is a technology that has united the world.
Dr. Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan: Globalization is a process that includes the cause, the case, and the consequences of the integration of the activities of transnational and transcultural human and non-human.
LAURENCE E. Rothenberg: Globalization is accelerating and intensifying the interaction and integration between people, companies, and governments of different countries.
Martin Albrown: Globalization concerns the whole process by which the world's population is connected to the single world community, the global community.
Merriam Webster Dictionary: Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free capital flow, and pressing cheaper foreign labor markets.
Selosoemardjan: Understanding globalization is a process of formation of the system of organization and communication between people around the world. Goal of globalization is to follow the rules of the system and the same particular instance the establishment of the UN, OIC
Malcolm Waters: Globalization is a social process with the result that the geographical restrictions on the socio-cultural situation becomes less important, which is incarnated in the consciousness of people.
Thomas L. Friedman: Understanding Globlisasi has dimensions of ideology and technology teknlogi.Dimensi that capitalism and the free market, while the dimensions of information technology is a technology that has united the world.
Obviously there are many more opinions from the experts will be more understanding of globalization, but we just took some course, this is because after reading from some other opinions they also suggest the same thing about the notion of globalization.
The existence of globalization certainly appear in because there are several things that a means tersalurnya globalization to various countries, including:
Through the channel of the education agency that spreads through science.
Scattered through religious institutions.
Through international organizations or institutions trade industries.
The existence of foreign travel agencies.
Emerged through the channels of communication and international telecommunications.
Globalization appears also through international institutions governing international regulations.
Appears also through the channel in the form of state institutions such as diplomatic and consular relations.
Meanwhile, the negative impacts of globalization are as follows:
Reduced workforce engaged in agriculture
Change of life is based togetherness becomes individualistic life
The influx of western culture lifestyle
The process of globalization also have a negative impact in addition to its positive impact as follows:
Fast-paced lifestyle
The rapid development of information and technology
Utilization of natural resources are abundant
Among the factors causing the globalization process including the following:
The development of more advanced ways of thinking and education.
The progress of science in the field of transportation technology to facilitate the transfer of goods and services between countries.
Advances in information technology and communications so as to ensure ease of implementation of economic transactions between countries.
advances in science and technology.
The discovery of increasingly sophisticated means of communication.
The development of human rights.
Lack of information - new information.
The advancement of international economic cooperation more closely so as to facilitate the agreements between countries.
Tenjadinya globalization common secera also through Stages - stages its own well in the community or the individual, whom can we rincikan as follows:
Globalization in phases Yourself
Globalization at a Family
Society, including RT, RW, Village, District, City, District, Province, the island, the State, and the Inter-state.
The more advanced and better development era in the State of Indonesia as well as in foreign countries will be things we can not avoid, why? ... Here's why globalization can not be avoided:
Globalization in because it is constantly evolving life may not say anything, and surely produce an effect or change. Inevitably globalization will continue to evolve to follow the Zaman therefore we inevitably must also be prepared to face the development of globalization.
Before we end the discussion about the notion of globalization, then let's understand every word related to the globalization of the following terms:
globalization: global pre era (20th century)
global: global era
globalism: the global knowledge
globalists: the global actors
globalizing: globalizing action
Similarly, our long-time friend of the discussion is about the definition of globalization, it will be even longer if we define the globalization of various aspects, but if understood well what has been presented by many experts on the definition of globalization all lead to the same understanding of globalization. Hope it is useful.
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