Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)

ISIS crimes of terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq as well as the International Coalition air strikes Anti-ISIS has graced sheet media world in a few months terakhir.Sejumlah Western and Arab countries under the leadership of the United States issued a boast to destroy militant ISIS. In the midst of the coalition air campaign, ISIS continued his assault on some areas in Syria and Iraq. They even began to equip themselves with sophisticated weapons and modern as well as semi-heavy.

Here arises the question, whether the International Coalition of Anti-ISIS led the US really wants to destroy ISIS? Why was the newly formed coalition now? ApakahISIS already very large sehingga40 called to destroy their country? Why Washington officials have always stressed that the crackdown ISIS takes a long time ? Are we to believe that the coalition really want to destroy ISIS? Whether terrorist groups are always on the move can be destroyed through the air campaign? Why is the group that carries ISIS Islamic slogans are not regarded harmful to the Zionist regime?

The event this glow will answer these questions and other issues surrounding the history of the emergence of terrorist ISIS, brutal and evil actions of the group, the response of Western countries, especially the US against ISIS adventures in recent years, as well as the motivation and the purpose of establishing the International Coalition of Anti- ISIS.

Although the Middle East region tantantan face of terrorism for many years. However, the phenomenon of ISIS and their crimes in recent months has become one of the major challenges of the crisis and the region. Now almost no country in the Middle East that is free from the threat of ISIS. In fact, the trail and the role of some regional and international countries in shaping and directing the activities of terrorist groups can easily be traced.

ISIS group is one of the most violent fronts at once the most subservient to his employer, who had ever seen until now. ISIS committed crimes usually occur in wars aimed at an ethnic or genosida.Namun burned, the world did not witness the act so cruel and that too in the name of Islam, a religion that symbolizes affection and gentle attitude even against non- Muslim.

History records that the noble character and compassion of the Prophet played a major role in spreading Islam. Basically, the Prophet Muhammad is the symbol and the perfect example of an individual believer. The truth of Islam and the message of the Prophet Muhammad apostolate can be proved by seeing this noble figure. In that way, in a short time and that too with the least bloodshed, most areas of the Arabian Peninsula gracefully accepted Islam.

Then, if the religion of the Prophet Islamdengan a loving followers can have dumb and savage like ISIS, where the practice of beheading the man has become routine and entertainment for them. They are people who do not have the aroma kemanusiaan.Sayangnya, most of the followers of the great prophets make personal interpretation of religious teachings as a substitute for divine teachings after the death of the prophet. They set up a pole that is bent in the religious history of the sky.

The teachings of Moses, Jesus, and some prophets laindirubah and distorted by a group of ordinary people and devotees lust. If the deviation that does not undermine the religion of God, of course, mankind would have a different fate. Islamic religion after the death of the Prophet was also plagued by irregularities and personal interpretations and golongan.Pada the caliphate of Imam Ali, there are three groups in the Muslim community declared war with him. One of the groups are Khawarij. They did a unilateral interpretation of the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet. Misinterpretation made Khawarij declared war with Imam Ali.

Khawarij who appeared at the time of Imam Ali may be regarded as the tip of the base of modern Takfiris movement. The second root Khawarij and Takfiris sourced from shallow understanding and attitude to their extreme in interpreting religious teachings. Muslims are not in line with their thinking will be considered infidels and must be killed. Tribal fanaticism in the middle of the Khawarij and Takfiris also encourage the birth of confrontational behavior toward other nations and even to the people close to them.

It can be said that the exemplary behavior of the Khawarij and Takfiris denounced by all schools Islam.Ekstrimisme and fanaticism in the modern era also have a similar impact as Khawarij behavior at the beginning of the Islamic era, namely, to weaken the power of the Muslims.

ISIS is a Takfiris-Salafi movement, in which their ideology rooted in the thinking of Ibn Taymiyyah and Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab. The group is supported by several regional countries in the Middle East and the West. They are a group of countries that are now launched its air campaign against terrorists in the region ISIS. The role of Saudi Arabia and several other Arab countries and the West will look so obvious when we trace the history of the formation of ISIS. ISIS is an armed group that adopts extreme thoughts Takfiris. They are in the ranks of the Salafi-Jihadi groups and is seeking to establish an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

ISIS appeared on October 15, 2006 after meeting on the Iraqi armed sejumlahkelompok. During the meeting, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was appointed as the leader of ISIS. ISIS embryo formation back in upheaval after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. The US attack has created the right atmosphere for the formation and activities of most of the armed groups in Iraq such, Takfiris-Jihadi groups affiliated with Al Qaeda and the elements Party Baath, which opposes the new conditions in Iraq.

The group is aggressively raising funds and members to fight against US and Iraqi forces. One of the main fronts in their ranks is the Jamaat al-Tawhid wal-Jihadyang born in 2004 and is led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He has pledged to frontman Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and set up an organization Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (Al Qaeda in wilayahRafidain). The groups staged massive terrorism and uncharitable like, bombings in markets and crowded places in Iraq, the destruction of mosques and the Tomb of Imam Hadi and Imam Askari axles.

Zarqawi's group is very aggressive in launching its action so as to make them become one of the most powerful terrorist organization in Iraq. They also succeeded in spreading its influence in regional countries. Pada2006, Zarqawi established the Shura Mujahideen, led by Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi. After the death of Zarqawi at the hands of US forces, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir was appointed to replace him and at the end of 2006, ISIS group led by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was formed.

One of the main ISIS mission in Iraq is to form a coalition that fat and embrace the forces opposing the Baghdad government. Opponents of the government composed of elements of the Baath Party and Saddam Hussein's cronies and some tribal militia. After raising a great power, ISIS launch terror actions and trying to create sectarian conflict and civil war in Iraq. With the increasing public discontent, the government of Baghdad on akhirnyamembentuk tribal forces to reduce the influence of terrorists.

Death of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in 2010 has been lowered significantly ISIS strength. However, the appointment of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the leader of ISIS has created a new wave of terrorism in the State's Story of 1001 Nights.


From birth, humans already have rights that must be upheld and recognized everyone. This right is more important than the right of a ruler or king. Rights derived from the Almighty God, given to mankind. However, human rights are often violated human rights to maintain privacy. Sebanarnya what is human rights (HAM) it? Well, on this occasion we will discuss thoroughly the notion of Human Rights (HAM). Hope it is useful.
Human Rights (HAM) protruding from the man's own conviction that all human beings as creatures of God are the same and equal. Human beings are born free and have the dignity and the same rights. Based on that human beings should be treated equally fair and civilized. Human rights are universal, meaning that applies to all human beings without mebeda-distinguished based on race, religion, ethnicity and race (ethnicity).

Definition Of Globalization

Understanding Globalization according to experts in the field. Understanding globalization will be a rather long discussion this time, because we will cite some opinions and things related to the notion of globalization.

Understanding globalization for us to know so that we can understand what exactly is happening in our daily life, including in terms of globalization or not, to understand the notion of globalization indeed, if we refer to the many opinions expressed sense that almost everything is almost the same Only different in language they convey just about the notion of globalization itself.

Before heading detailed understanding globalization we should know word for word from an understanding of globalization following:

the word "Globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal.

Understanding Globalization is the language according to the Global and SASI, Global is worldwide, and Sasi is a process, so when understanding globalization according to this ahasa in combining into "something that the global process". The word advent of globalization is actually a loan word from a foreign language is English "globalization".

Theodore Levitte: is the person who first used the term globalization in 1985.

Next we headed to the notion of globalization is based on the opinion of many experts who elaborated on the notion of globalization in their opinion each - each of the following:

Achmad Supaman states:

Globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being restricted by region Globalization yet have an established definition, except for a definition of work (working definition), so it depends on which side one looks.

According to the "January Aart Scholte" he saw that there are some definitions that are meant those with globalization:

Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in international relations. In this case each country retain their respective identities, but are becoming increasingly dependent on each other.

Liberalization: Globalization is also defined by increasingly diturunkankan borders between countries, such as import-export tariff barriers, traffic exchange, as well as migration.

Universalization: Globalization is also described as increasingly spreading material and immaterial things to the world. Experience in one locality can be an experience all over the world.

Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture so globalized.

Transplanetari relations and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is different from the fourth-fifth the above definition. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. In the fifth sense, global world has its own ontology status, not just countries combined.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia Indonesia: Understanding Globalization is a term used to describe the changes in society in the world economy generated by the rapidly increasing trade and cultural exchange. Dalarn economic sense, globalization refers mainly to the liberalization of free trade.

Understanding Globalization is the process of international integration that occurs due to the exchange of views the world, products, ideas, and other cultural aspects. This is related to the level Progress transport infrastructure and telecommunications, including the emergence of the telegraph and the Internet, is a major factor in globalization encourages interdependence (interdependence) economic and cultural activity.

Others say the notion of globalization is a phenomenon spread cultural values ​​and certain throughout the world (thus becoming the world's cultural or world culture) has seen since a long time. The forerunner of the spread of the culture of this world can be traced from Western European explorers traveling to various places in the world _ Lucian W. Pye, 1966

Let's see what the experts think about the notion of globalization, the following:

Anthony Giddens (1989): Understanding Globalization is the process of increasing interdependence of the world community named by globalization. Characterized by a gap between the level of life of industrial society and third world people (who once colonized the West and the majority live from agriculture.

World Bank: Definition of Globalization is the freedom and ability of individuals and companies to initiate economic transactions with persons from other countries.

Emanuel Richter: Globalization is a global network simultaneously bringing together people who previously dispersed - scattered and isolated into interdependence and unity of the world.

Thomas L. Friedman: Globalization has dimensions idiology and technology. Dimensional technology that capitalism and the free market, while the dimensions of information technology is a technology that has united the world.

Dr. Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan: Globalization is a process that includes the cause, the case, and the consequences of the integration of the activities of transnational and transcultural human and non-human.

LAURENCE E. Rothenberg: Globalization is accelerating and intensifying the interaction and integration between people, companies, and governments of different countries.

Martin Albrown: Globalization concerns the whole process by which the world's population is connected to the single world community, the global community.

Merriam Webster Dictionary: Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free capital flow, and pressing cheaper foreign labor markets.

Selosoemardjan: Understanding globalization is a process of formation of the system of organization and communication between people around the world. Goal of globalization is to follow the rules of the system and the same particular instance the establishment of the UN, OIC

Malcolm Waters: Globalization is a social process with the result that the geographical restrictions on the socio-cultural situation becomes less important, which is incarnated in the consciousness of people.

Thomas L. Friedman: Understanding Globlisasi has dimensions of ideology and technology teknlogi.Dimensi that capitalism and the free market, while the dimensions of information technology is a technology that has united the world.

Obviously there are many more opinions from the experts will be more understanding of globalization, but we just took some course, this is because after reading from some other opinions they also suggest the same thing about the notion of globalization.

The existence of globalization certainly appear in because there are several things that a means tersalurnya globalization to various countries, including:

Through the channel of the education agency that spreads through science.

Scattered through religious institutions.

Through international organizations or institutions trade industries.

The existence of foreign travel agencies.

Emerged through the channels of communication and international telecommunications.

Globalization appears also through international institutions governing international regulations.

Appears also through the channel in the form of state institutions such as diplomatic and consular relations.

Meanwhile, the negative impacts of globalization are as follows:

Reduced workforce engaged in agriculture

Change of life is based togetherness becomes individualistic life

The influx of western culture lifestyle

The process of globalization also have a negative impact in addition to its positive impact as follows:

Fast-paced lifestyle

The rapid development of information and technology

Utilization of natural resources are abundant

Among the factors causing the globalization process including the following:

The development of more advanced ways of thinking and education.

The progress of science in the field of transportation technology to facilitate the transfer of goods and services between countries.

Advances in information technology and communications so as to ensure ease of implementation of economic transactions between countries.

advances in science and technology.

The discovery of increasingly sophisticated means of communication.

The development of human rights.

Lack of information - new information.

The advancement of international economic cooperation more closely so as to facilitate the agreements between countries.

Tenjadinya globalization common secera also through Stages - stages its own well in the community or the individual, whom can we rincikan as follows:

Globalization in phases Yourself

Globalization at a Family

Society, including RT, RW, Village, District, City, District, Province, the island, the State, and the Inter-state.

The more advanced and better development era in the State of Indonesia as well as in foreign countries will be things we can not avoid, why? ... Here's why globalization can not be avoided:

Globalization in because it is constantly evolving life may not say anything, and surely produce an effect or change. Inevitably globalization will continue to evolve to follow the Zaman therefore we inevitably must also be prepared to face the development of globalization.

Before we end the discussion about the notion of globalization, then let's understand every word related to the globalization of the following terms:

globalization: global pre era (20th century)

global: global era

globalism: the global knowledge

globalists: the global actors

globalizing: globalizing action

Similarly, our long-time friend of the discussion is about the definition of globalization, it will be even longer if we define the globalization of various aspects, but if understood well what has been presented by many experts on the definition of globalization all lead to the same understanding of globalization. Hope it is useful.

Source reference:

Definition Of Political Parties

1. Definition of Political Parties
Political parties is an organization that aims to achieve political power are arranged in a neat and stable formed by a group of people voluntarily and have in common the will, aspirations, and equality of certain ideologies and strive to seek and maintain power through elections to realize the policy alternatives or programs that have their flats.

2. Purpose and Objectives of Political Parties
The purpose of political parties is to seek and maintain power to implement / realize the programs they have collated according to a certain ideology.

 3. Functions of Political Parties

a. Political parties as political communication advice cmomunication politics is the process of delivering information to the government political form society and opposite of the society to the government. Political parties here serves to absorb, collect (processing, and political aspirations of society in formulating an sets the policy.

Example: suppose the environment of the university, the Student Executive Board is like a political parties. If there is a problem that required aspiration or student, Mass repair university facilities. At that time there is interaction between the student and the Student Executive Council discussed the lack of university facilities. Furthermore, the Executive Board of the Student convey the aspirations / demands of the university students had to. Interactions between students (community), Student Executive Council (political parties) and the school (government), is a communication. Student Executive Council sebgai a means of communication between the students and the school. In the political life of a country can be likened to the example of the students, the community, the Student Executive Board of the political parties.

b. Political parties as a means of political socialization
Political socialization is the process of forming attitudes and political orientation regarding a political phenomenon being experienced in the country. This process is delivered through political education. Socialization conducted by political parties to the public in the form of the introduction of the programs of the party. It is expected that the public can choose the political party in the general election.
Example: the delivery of political programs of political parties at the pre-election campaign. It is one papol function as a means of political socialization means.

c. Political parties as a means of political recruitment
     Political Recruitment is the process of selection and appointment of a person or group to carry out a number of roles in politics or government istem. Or it can be said the selection process and appointment of a person or group to occupy a position or some political office or political parties representing it in a field. Political recruitment useless to seek talented person on aatupun competent to be active in political activities.

Example: eg as in the example of political communication earlier, campus environment. The Legislature will replace the chairman and members because his term is up. Now the Legislature that in finding the chairman and members of the new Legislature is a process of recruitment. Whether it's through the Appointment and selection or through elections. Same thing with Papol, parties will seek, select and appoint a new member to occupy a position in the party or government, or to represent it in the elections.

d. Political parties as a regulator suggestion conflict
Regulatory control of conflict is a conflict (in this case the existence of physical differences or disputes) regarding a government policy. Dilakuakan controlling these conflicts by means of dialogue, accommodating and then bring the issue to the representative body of the people (DPR / DPRD / Head) to obtain political decisions regarding the problems earlier.

Example: In the community there is a problem concerning rising food prices by the government. Many occur demonstrations against the policy. In this case as one of the representatives of political parties in society, representative body of the people (DPR / DPRD), held a dialogue with the community regarding the rise in food prices. Political parties in this case serves as a control conflict with how to convey to the government in order to obtain a wise decision regarding the increase in food prices.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

History of Political Science

If political science is seen solely as one of the social sciences that have a foundation, frame, focus, and scope are clear, it can be said that political science is still young age because of the new born in the late 19th century. At that stage of political science in the rapidly developing branches side by side with other social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology, economics and psychology, and in this development they influence each other. But if political science is reviewed in the context of a broader, ie as a rational discussion of the various aspects of the state and political life can be said to be much older age. Even the social sciences is often said to be the oldest in the world because of the many development rests on history and philosophy. The development of political science is divided into 2 age, among others:

Period BC
Political science as thinking about the State has already started in the year 450 BC as in the works of Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and others. evident from the work of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Even Plato who has been laying the foundations of political science of thought known as the father of political philosophy, while Aristotle who has been laying the foundations of political science in the study known as the father of political science. Plato and Aristotle both essentially making the state a philosophical perspective, and their view of knowledge is something that is intact. Both located on the pressure difference and the object of the observations made, if Plato normative-descriptive, while Aristotle already approached empirically by providing support and preference value through facts that can be observed real. This era is famous for its ancient Roman times give a valuable contribution to political science, among others: the fields of law, jurisprudence and public administration. These fields are based on persefektif regarding human commonality, brotherhood everyone, to the divinity and uniqueness of the individual values.

The philosopher at this time trying to find the essence of ideas such as justice and kindness, also consider other essential issues such as good governance, sovereignty, the state's obligation towards citizens or otherwise. Analyzes used is normative and deductive analysis. Normative analysis is to discuss the assumptions that certain characteristics are good or desirable, whereas deductive analysis is didasarakan the reasoning of the general premise toward specific conclusions.

          Some cultural centers of Asia such as India and China, have accumulated some quality papers. The writings of India collects in literature Dharmasatra and Arthasastra, derived roughly from 500 BC Among the famous Chinese philosopher, there Confucius, Mencius, and Shan Yang (± 350 BC).

 2. Age AD

          Indonesia itself already know about state, characterized by several papers, for example Negarakertagama about the 13th century and Babad Tanah Jawi. Literature in Asian countries began to decline because of being pressured by Western thought brought by the countries of the Western colonizers.

          Political Science developments in the countries of continental Europe's own discussion of the politics in the 18th century and 19th heavily influenced by the science of law, political science because it focuses only on the state. Besides jurisprudence, the influence of the history of science and philosophy in political science is still felt to World War II.

          In the eighteenth century, in England more political problems is the study of philosophy and the discussion can not be separated from history. In the United States there is a development of different, because there is a desire to free themselves from the pressure juridical, and more basing itself on empirical data collection. The United States has put political pangajaran at the university since 1858, initially more juridical studies, but since this century has to escape from the juridical studies with more focus on the collection of empirical data. Just entered the early twentieth century has been away from the study of political science studies that solely and purely legalistic normative normative and deductive. This is influenced by the development of other social science theory, especially the changing conceptions of human nature, pragmatism and pluralism.

          The first factor of human nature, it has been recognized that human nature is very diverse and complex. Recognition of human nature raises implications: first, digugatnya statement regarding the law determining good governance, this is due to human nature different. Second, not all men will behave the same in a particular institution. Third, the nature of it is believed to be the object of research official. The second factor influencing the political science is pragmatism. This means that the actions that a man can not be judged from logic, but from the results of the actions or behavior. Mass, someone labeled as a nationalist, as a result of the actions and behavior always showed antipathy towards our own people, against domestic production, vilify the nation itself in the presence of other nations, and so on. While the third factor, namely pluralism, implies that political power is divided between the various groups, parties and government agencies. For example, community organizations, groups, political parties, and more extreme as the opposition parties have the power to influence government policies. This is because the social organizations and political parties that have the power to do it even if power is not necessarily able to influence the other powers. [2]

          New political science to get their credentials after the establishment of the "School of Political Science" at Columbia in 1880, on the initiative of John. W. Burges, and he himself led. In 1886 the school is the Political Science Quarterly publishes the first line of his writing. At the time it was established assorted institutes or schools that teach political science and the politics more deeply, the ahlipun analyzes concerning everything to do with less state. since that encourages political scientists to better investigate and discover the functions of politics. [3]

          Eastern European countries, the traditional approach in terms of history, philosophy, and law is still in force today. After the collapse of communism, political science developed rapidly, can be seen with ditambahnya approaches emerging in western countries on the traditional approach.

          At the end of the 19th century, political science established itself as a stand-alone science with big donations given by political scientists to learn more about politics itself and give information and facts revealed when doing research on the history of politics. At that moment a political science also studied other sciences that became the foundation for the study of political imu because like sociology and history is a source of information and evidence to study political science deeper. After making the opening of an investigation which targeted functionally and using methods that have been perfected political science began to establish itself with its investigation.

          At the beginning of the 20th century Gettell show political science began to be affected by the progress achieved in several stages of research among intellectuals in particular was also demonstrated linkages with other science political science after the refinement of methods of collecting quantitative data. Where modern methods show something different tendencies in observation, surveys, and different measurements. Participation by scientists, among others, Hans Speier, Goodwin Watson, Nathan Leites, and Edward Shils analyze the division yng analyzed by the nazi communication and convey to the government for better information and to maneuver when war.

          After the war ended, political science began to establish itself in a stand-alone science by making improvements continue to be made until now. Political science around the world began to progress which after thorough investigation it was found out the fact that the political science learning involves the whole existing social science. Development until now was progressing very satisfactorily, where thanks to the help of the data of investigations carried out by the various social sciences, political science is no longer significant investigation to obtain accurate data for social sciences had previously conducted the investigation, so it has helped in the development of political science.

          Collini, Winch and Burrow shows that the arguments of the 19th century about the nature and description of the symptoms of the growing political based on historical induction and instead of assumptions about human nature. colonialism and Empire brings extensive and complex culture, as well as primitive societies and small, in the field of intellectual about European scholars and intellectuals. At Oxford and Cambridge, in the late 19th century, under the leadership of comparative history is viewed a little more full of hope as the basis for a scientific study of politics.

          The development of political science is also in line with the development of other sciences related to political science and administration as well as branches of the State other social sciences. Where political science is also a science that where in there are various kinds of science that supports and become a pillar for the establishment of political science. So it can be said political science covers a wide range of related social science in everyday life.

             The development of political science was also caused by strong push several international bodies, such as UNESCO. Due to differences in methodology and terminology in political science, then UNESCO on tahun1948 conduct a survey on political science in approximately 30 countries. Later, the project was discussed several experts in France, and produce books Contemporary

Political Science in 1948. Furthermore, UNESCO along with the International Political Science Association (IPSA) which covers approximately ssepuluh countries, including Western countries, in addition to India, Mexico, and Poland. In 1952 the results of this study are discussed at a conference in Cambridge, England and the results compiled by WA Robson from the London School of Economics and Political Science in The University Teaching of Political Science. The book was published by UNESCO for the teaching of some social sciences (including economics, cultural anthropology, and criminology) at the college. Both works are intended to foster the development of political science and bring together different views.

          In the subsequent periods the social sciences tend to use findings from anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics, and thus can improve the quality of political science with many taking the model of other branches of social science. Thanks to this, the face of political science has changed and political science into the science that is important to learn to understand about politics.

          In a life where the trading market or trading activities are carried out in everyday life is a political activity. Unwitting there occurs term bargain goods where one can bargain for goods or mutually urgent and create strategies that can be an advantage for them. Here can see where political science is not only able to occur between groups or countries, but also occurs among individuals who have an interest respectively. Political science also can occur in all aspects of society that no one country.

Definition of Political Science

Before defining what it is political science, it is necessary to know first what it is political. Etymologically, politics comes from the Greek "polis" meaning city state status. In general political terms can mean a variety of activities within a country concerning the process of determining the objectives of the system and implement those goals.

According to Miriam Budiardjo in the book "Fundamentals of Political Science", political science is the study of politics. Politics is defined as efforts to achieve the good life. Greeks like Plato and Aristotle called it en dam onia or the good life (good life).
According to Goodin in the book "A New Handbook of Political Science," politics can be defined as the use of social power by force. Thus, political science can be interpreted as the nature and source of the force and how to use the social power with the force.

Several different definitions also given by experts, for example:
• According to Bluntschli, Garner and Frank Goodnow stated that political science is the study of the environmental state.
• According to Seely and Stephen Leacock, political science is the science of harmony in dealing with government.
• On the other hand French thinkers such as Paul Janet addressing political science as a science that governs the development of the State as well as the principles of governance, this opinion is supported also by RN Gilchrist.
Political science is theoretically divided to two, namely:
• Valuational means of political science based on moral and political norms. Valuational theory is composed of political philosophy, ideology and politics systematically.
• Non valuational means of political science and mengkomparasikan describe just one event with another event without associating it with moral or norm.

Development of Political Science
Political science is one of the oldest sciences of various branches of science that exist. Since people started living together, problems concerning the regulation and supervision begins. Since then political thinkers began to discuss issues relating to limit the application of power, the relationship between the governing and the governed, and what is the best system guarantees the fulfillment of regulation and supervision.

Political science begins with both in the Ancient Greece, making an increase in Roman times, is not very developed in the Middle Ages, the least developed in the Renaissance and Enlightenment, made some substantial progress in the 19th century, and then developed very rapidly in the 20th century because of political science getting its own characteristics.

Political science as thinking about the State has already started in the year 450 BC as in the works of Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and others. In some Asian cultural centers such as India and China, have accumulated some quality papers. The writings of India collects in literature Dharmasatra and Arthasastra, derived roughly from 500 BC Among the famous Chinese philosopher, there Confucius, Mencius, and Shan Yang (± 350 BC).
In Indonesia there are several papers on the state, for example Negarakertagama about the 13th century and Babad Tanah Jawi. Literature in Asian countries began to decline because of being pressured by Western thought brought by the countries of the Western colonizers.

In the countries of continental Europe's own discussion of the politics in the 18th century and 19th heavily influenced by the science of law, political science because it focuses only on the state. Besides jurisprudence, the influence of the history of science and philosophy in political science is still felt to World War II.

In the United States there is a development of different, because there is a desire to free themselves from the pressure juridical, and more basing itself on empirical data collection. Further developments in conjunction with the development of sociology and psychology, so that the two branches of the influence of political science. Subsequent developments run faster, it can be seen by the establishment of the American Political Science Association in 1904.

The development of political science after World War II grow more rapidly, for example in Amsterdam, The Netherlands established Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, although research on the country in the Netherlands is still dominated by the Faculty of Law. In Indonesia alone established Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, such as at the University of Riau. Early development of political science in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the science of law, because higher education is very advanced legal studies at the time itu.Sekarang, the concepts of the new political science has begun to be accepted by society.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, the traditional approach in terms of history, philosophy, and law is still in force today. After the collapse of communism, political science developed rapidly, can be seen with ditambahnya approaches emerging in western countries on the traditional approach.

The development of political science was also caused by strong push several international bodies, such as UNESCO. Due to differences in methodology and terminology in political science, then UNESCO on tahun1948 conduct a survey on political science in approximately 30 countries. Later, the project was discussed several experts in France, and produce books Contemporary Political Science in 1948.

Furthermore, UNESCO along with the International Political Science Association (IPSA) which covers approximately ssepuluh countries, including Western countries, in addition to India, Mexico, and Poland. In 1952 the results of this study are discussed at a conference in Cambridge, England and the results compiled by WA Robson from the London School of Economics and Political Science in The University Teaching of Political Science. The book was published by UNESCO for the teaching of some social sciences (including economics, cultural anthropology, and criminology) at the college. Both works are intended to foster the development of political science and bring together different views.

In the subsequent periods the social sciences tend to use findings from anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics, and thus can improve the quality of political science with many taking the model of other branches of social science. Thanks to this, the face of political science has changed and political science into the science that is important to learn to understand about politics.

Indonesian Government System

Indonesian Government System

Each state has a system to run reign life. The system is a system of government. There is some kind of system of government in the world such as the presidential and parliamentary.

Both the existing government system and developed at this time could not be separated from the advantages and shortcomings. Each country must understand the characteristics of the country before applying the system of government in order in governance did not encounter major obstacles.

Excess Parliamentary System of Government
Influence people towards politics run so great that the people's voice be heard by parliament very
With the parliament as the people's representative government control to run well
Policymakers can be handled quickly because xylophone an adjustment of opinion between the executive and the legislature. This is due to the executive and legislative powers are at a party or coalition.
Accountability systems in manufacturing and also the implementation of public policy is very clear.

Weakness Parliamentary System of Government
Cabinet often dismissed as gain confidence vote Parliament
The success is very difficult to achieve if the party in that country very much (many voices).
Parliament became a place of regeneration for executive positions. Their experience became a member of parliament and became an important provision used to be a minister or other executive positions

Excess Presidential System of Government
Minister of Parliament can not drop because it is responsible to the president.
The government can freely time because there is no shadow cabinet crisis
The executive body is more stable because it does not depend on the position of parliament
Tenure of the executive body more certainly to a specific period. For example, the term of office President of the United States for four years, while the President of Indonesia five years.
Compiler work programs more easily tailored cabinet with a period of his tenure.
Legislative regeneration is not the place for executive positions because they can be filled by outsiders as well as MPs themselves.

Presidential system of government weakness
Oversight weak people
The influence of the people in the country's political kebikajan received less attention
Executive power beyond the direct control of the legislature so as to give rise to absolute power
Less clear accountability system
Decision making / public policy generally results bargaining between the executive and legislative decisions that may occur is not firm and take a long time.

Since 1945, Indonesia has changed the system of government. Indonesia has implemented both governmental system. In addition there are also changes to the points system since the government made amendments to the 1945 Constitution governance system

Under the Act of 1945 Indonesia is a country that is implementing presidential system of government. But in perjalannannya, Indonesia had implemented a system of parliamentary government because of the conditions and reasons that existed at that time. Here is the system of government of Indonesia from 1945-present.

Indonesian Government System

1. Years 1945-1949
Government System: Presidential
Originally used system of government is presidential, but since the arrival of allies (military aggression) and by the Edict of the President No. X dated 16 November 1945 the case for power-sharing which the executive power is held by the Prime Minister, the Indonesian government system into a parliamentary system of government.

2. Year 1949-1950
Government System: Parliamentary Quasy
Indonesia's current form of government that is union with RIS constitution so that the system used is parliamentary government. However, because it is not entirely implemented, at that time called the System of Government Parliamentary Quasy

3. Year 1950-1959
Government System: Parliamentary

4. Year 1959-1966
Government System: Presidential
President issued Presidential Decree 1959 contents
1. Not the enactment of Provisional Constitution of 1950 and the re-enactment of the 1945 Constitution.
2. Dissolution Constitutional Agency
3. Establish a provisional parliament and interim DPA

5. Year 1966-1998
Government System: Presidential


(Before and After the amendment of the 1945 Constitution)
Principles of Indonesian government system under the 1945 Constitution before the amendment contained in the 1945 Explanation of seven key staple of the state governance system as follows.

Indonesia is a state based on law (rechtsstaat).
Constitutional system.
Supreme state power in the hands of the Assembly.
The President is the highest organizers state government under the People's Consultative Assembly.
President is not accountable to the House of Representatives.
Minister of state is a presidential aide, ministers of state are not accountable to the House of Representatives.
Heads of state power is not unlimited
New Order government with seven key staple above running very stable and robust. The Government has immense power. System of Government Presidential run in this era has a weakness weak oversight of the House but also has the advantages of a more stable government conditions.
At the end of the New Order era emerging movement to reform the existing system toward a more democratic government. To realize it takes a constitutional government (by the constitution). Constitutional government in which there is a restriction for power and guarantee human rights. Then perform the amendment of the Act of 1945 as many as four times, years: 1999,2000,2001,2002. Based on the amended constitution is expected a more democratic system of government will be realized.

Principles of Governance System After Amendment

A unitary state with broad principles of local autonomy. The territory is divided into several provinces.
The form of government is a constitutional republic, while the presidential system of government.
President is head of state and head of government at the same time. President and vice president elected directly by the people in one package.
Cabinet or a minister appointed by the president and is responsible to the president.
Parliament consists of two parts (bicameral), House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD). The board members are members of the Assembly. Parliament has legislative powers and authority oversees governance.

Judicial power is executed by the Supreme Court and judicial bodies underneath.
The government system also take elements of the system of parliamentary government and reform to eliminate the weaknesses that exist in a presidential system. Several variations of the presidential system of government in Indonesia is as follows;
President may at any time be dismissed by the Assembly upon the recommendation of the House of Representatives. Thus, Parliament retains the authority supervising the president though indirectly.
The acting president of the country should lift the consideration or approval of the Parliament.
President in issuing certain policies need to be consideration or approval of the Parliament.
Parliament is given greater powers in terms of shaping legislation and the right budget (budget)

Thus, there are new changes in the government system of Indonesia. It is intended to improve the old presidential system. The new changes, among others, the direct election, the bicameral system, cheks and balance mechanism, and giving greater powers to the parliament to perform oversight and budgetary functions.